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12 Best Supplements for Alcohol Recovery

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

The neurotransmitters in your brain produce dopamine to help you “feel good”, however, drinking interrupts these neurotransmitters. Unfortunately, regular consumption means addicts require drinking in order to feel good, although the feeling isn’t sustainable. Unfortunately, the average multivitamin is not enough to put an end to withdrawals. I found relief over time, gradually, and I tried many that did not work. The process was worthwhile because every now and then, I would discover a miracle supplement that would catapult my sense of well-being to new heights.

What Are the Most Important Vitamins to Take for Alcohol Use Disorder?

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

Rest assured that there are compounds from each of these categories that work incredibly well for alleviating withdrawals and restoring healthy body chemistry. Many people suffer needlessly and even relapse because they do not know about the benefits of even the most rudimentary vitamins for withdrawal. No amount of positive thinking, group therapy, or spiritual guidance can help when the cause of your problem is physiological.

Importance of Support Systems in Dealing with Alcohol Cravings: You’re Not Alone

Alcoholics that are trying to quit the habit find it hard to overcome the cravings and complete the detoxification process. Josh Lee is a clinician and researcher with a focus on medication-assisted treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders. He has conducted multiple clinical trials examining the use of naltrexone in primary care and other community settings. As a practicing physician, Josh helps manage the NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue addiction medicine clinic in adult primary care.

Other Healthy Habits

Herbal benefits can vary greatly between individuals, but they can be highly beneficial and a great natural remedy for helping to stop alcohol cravings. Along with helping to fight cravings, herbs can also help repair the body and restore the organs. We would be best served herbs to curb alcohol cravings by consulting a medical or treatment professional and asking for help so we don’t have to rely on self-control alone. Individual responses may vary, but the overarching evidence shows that it provides tangible benefits for individuals battling alcohol dependency.

Self-talk and affirmations are powerful cognitive tools in the journey of overcoming alcohol cravings. They involve consciously vocalizing positive statements to oneself, reaffirming an individual’s ability to cope with cravings and to maintain control over their actions. Hydration and maintaining a balanced diet are critical in managing alcohol cravings.

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

Addiction and Mental Health Resources

  • Josh Lee is a clinician and researcher with a focus on medication-assisted treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders.
  • While some can manage their intake, others grapple with habits of addiction and dependency stemming from alcohol consumption.
  • This spicy root is also good for mitigating obesity and relief from menstrual pain.
  • These changes can lead to tolerance, or a need to drink more in order to feel the same effects.

Breaking the addiction to alcohol can be difficult and cravings hard to overcome. However, there is some good news for those serious about beating the cravings. There are various reasons a person may experience cravings, such as changes in brain chemistry, habit formation, and triggers.

Of course, these are only 12 helpful options—there are many vitamins and supplements for alcoholics you can take to aid your system in recovery. We recommend speaking with your doctor about how heavy drinking has impacted your body, and which supplements will be the most safe and useful for you as an individual. Other new habits, such as regular exercise, mindfulness practice, and a healthier diet, can all contribute to boosting your health in recovery. People who drink alcohol are at higher risk of calcium deficiency, since alcohol interferes with your body’s ability to properly absorb this vital nutrient. Milk thistle is an herb related to daisies and ragweed that is sometimes used to treat liver damage, including alcoholic liver disease. Experts think it might work by protecting the liver and lowering specific proteins like collagen produced by the body.

  • The longer you try to go without having a drink, the more your brain craves it so it can feel “normal.” There are ways to beat cycles of craving and stop for good.
  • It has long been used to prevent alcohol cravings, improve immune function, and reduce stress.
  • If you don’t feel hungry, think about taking nutritional supplements.
  • These cravings can be frustrating if you’re trying to cut down on alcohol, drink less or stop drinking completely, but they are quite normal.
  • We’ll dive into each type in related articles to help you determine whether or not you think these alcohol detox supplements are right for you.

It may also depend on any other physical and mental health issues an individual has. Doctors may recommend multivitamin supplements containing B1, B2, B3, B6, and vitamin C. These supplements may be given for the initial 3–5 days of alcohol withdrawal, because the person is experiencing issues with nutrient absorption and not be getting enough of these vitamins. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) encompasses the symptoms an individual with alcohol use disorder experiences if they stop drinking suddenly, or reduce their alcohol intake significantly. Without it, you can have strong cravings, mood swings, and hostile behavior. We get amino acids from protein in foods like meat, dairy products, and nuts, along with some grains and beans.

herbs to curb alcohol cravings

Milk Thistle

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